All-Around Awesomeness

Monday, December 17, 2012

Top 5 Holiday Tips

Ah, "the holidays." Fraught with peril. I put "the holidays" in quotation marks because technically it's a couple of days that our media culture and inertia tries to turn into an entire season of eating crappy, running around  trying to buy gifts, and lying around the rest of the time watching football and It's a Wonderful Life. Stress, bad food, and lethargy..,whoopee!! No wonder we invented the idea of New Year's resolutions...

I say, let's resist! I say even though it's pretty nasty weather outside and there's all this pressure from everywhere to not take care of ourselves, light a candle for our country (or just your friends. Or just yourself!) and treat yourself well in the end of December. Here's a few ways to do just that - not all of them are fitness-centered, but they're all health-centered:

1. Whatever gifts you buy/make, do it with intention. You make the best choices when you're calm and centered, not when you're running around Target like an insane person shoving iTunes cards in your cart. Everyone I know has told me repeatedly that their favorite gifts to receive are the thoughtful ones, not the expensive or trendy ones. You'll end up feeling much better about the gifts you give, and be less stressed about finding them.

2. Spend at least 30 minutes a day moving your body and breathing. I'm not saying you have to get to the gym and work out for an hour and a half...trying to make time for your normal workout routine might make your life feel more stressful in this busy time of the year. But a little physical activity can keep the stress from turning into a neck spasm and low back tightness from turning into a herniated disc. Just do something, mindfully. If, on the other hand, the gym feels like an oasis in this world of crazy, then by all means get the heck in there as often as possible!!

3. Pretend it's already New Year's. I don't mean that you should bust out the champagne or (ill-advisedly) make out with your co-workers. I mean you should consider telling yourself that your New Year's resolutions are starting today, this minute. What do you want to do differently? How can you shift things in your life/thoughts to be more the person you want to be? Don't spend the next two weeks getting all the bad stuff in and over with so you can start fresh. Just...don't do all those things in the first place. I guarantee you'll feel better about yourself come January 1.

4. Get enough sleep. This season is infamous for the colds/fevers that get passed around (I've had half my clients cancel in the last week due to illness, and I'm home with my sick kiddo today). Between holiday parties and other shenanigans, our schedule gets crapped and we try to make up for it by going to bed later and/or getting up earlier. You can't really control your exposure to sick people or the weather, but you can control your rest.  Get. Enough. Sleep. Or. You. Will. Get. Sick. 

5. Enjoy food/drink in moderation - if you can't, abstain! Some people can't have anything alcoholic or sweet, even a taste - it sets off irresistible cravings and they have a hard time stopping themselves from overdoing it. For some of us, though, a little bit won't turn into a that case, there's no reason to deny ourselves the fun and good feelings that comes from eggnog and homemade cookies. Just don't go crazy with it. 

Lastly, a reminder that all the deals listed at the top of this page are in effect through January. I'm meeting with several people this month to help them get started on a healthier path. BEFORE the New Year...lemme know if you want to be one of them! ;) 

Friday, December 7, 2012


Last April I traveled to New York to train with Steve Maxwell, my favorite coach, and go for my Level 1 Kettlebell instructorship. It was really hard work and I felt physically unprepared (turns out a recent car accident had messed me up more than I knew) but I had an amaaaaazing time in NYC and felt like a badass after doing the certification.

This year I'm going back for more...certifications in Clubbells and Level 2 Kettlebells. It's starting to sink in that I have a LOT of work to do and only four months to do it. Trainer, train thyself!!! So here I go! As a part of this process, I want to post some workouts and videos on my blog (like this one, but with less sun) so you can follow along with  my efforts and maybe learn some stuff in the process. I'm also going to be posting pretty frequently about my work with my client Melina, who writes an awesome blog and who's going to be documenting her physical/mental transformation over the coming months. So the bottom line is check back in with this blog often, because there's going to be a lot of cool shit going on!

Also, the special prices on training (the "Buy Now!" thing at the top of the page) are going to be in effect until the end of January...please consider taking advantage of the deals!

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go throw some kettlebells around...