All-Around Awesomeness

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to pick someone up at a gym in 3 easy steps I'm CERTAIN that at some point or another everyone reading this will have either thought about, attempted, or succeeded talking to the cute person doing pushups next to you at the gym. Unless you've never been in a which case, this advice works just as well for an outdoor enthusiast, dog walker, etc. One of my best relationships started at the gym, and I've also put my foot in my mouth more times than I care to count. There was the time I started chatting up a handsome guy and alllllmost got to the part where I asked him his name before I realized I had met him the day before...with his wife. And the time when, under the influence of a truckload of extra hormones from a egg donor procedure, I blurted out to another trainer (whom I'd worked with for TWO YEARS) that I'd always been attracted to him. Sigh. Well, shit happens, and if you're gutsy enough to strike up a conversation with a hot individual there's always the chance you'll get shot down. But here's a few ideas, from one who sees this every day, of how to approach someone with grace.

1. Don't stare. Staring is by far the most commonly offensive thing a person can do to let someone know they're interested...and guys, the girls can sense it even when their backs are turned. If you have any interest in talking to someone, especially if you'd like it to potentially turn into something else, don't ruin your chances before you even open your mouth. Notice, make a mental note, then go back to whatever you were doing. Trust me...high creep factor applies to those who stare!

2. Be honest. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's amazing how many times I've been approached by people (in the gym and on the street) who have asked me "What does your tattoo mean?" I'd much rather they say what they're thinking, like, "You're really pretty..." or "Your pull-up form sucks!" If you really want to talk to me, say something real...most people can tell the difference right away, and will be more interested in having a conversation with someone who comes across as genuine.

3. Be friendly and look them in the eye - smile! Many a person has gotten blown off because they couldn't make a connection before the other person either got weirded out or lost interest. We're humans, we're social creatures...openness goes a long way, and shows that you are putting yourself out there. Do that, and even if you don't get a date out of it, you might gain a friend or, at least, someone else to wave and smile at during your workout.

Of course, whether or not the person you approach will end up dating you depends on tons of things, some of which are totally beyond your control. But hey, even if all you got from this post is a small realization ("Oh, you mean this boy might not like it if I pretend to be really interested in softball when I actually don't give a shit beyond staring at his abs?"), that's good enough for me. fact, #2 could have really saved my butt that one time in 2006...

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post. I’ve clearly broken all the rules but what can I say…. I’m shy. It’s also hard not to stare when you witness the prefect combination of look and exercise form. Zum teaches you to understand and admire perfection in movement so it’s hard to look away when you see it. Still, you are right and a stare even an admiring one is creepy. Thanks for pointing that out.
