All-Around Awesomeness

Thursday, November 10, 2011

There is NO SUCH THING as "holiday eating."

This post is going to be short and sweet...I basically just have to rant for a minute. Look, people...I know we live in capitalist America. I know we tend to treat everything from November through January 1st as one big "holiday season." But I also know I'm not the only one shaking my head when I see the Xmas lights go up at Walgreens right after Halloween. So I'd like to set a few things straight. First of all, it's NOT a holiday season. These holidays (whichever ones you and your family celebrate) are separate events that happen to be nestled fairly closely together. And while it is true that there are a lot of "holiday parties," these events are no excuse for throwing your health out the window along with your self-discipline and the jeans that fit. Because there is NO SUCH THING as "holiday eating." There are "holidays," and there is "eating," and the two shouldn't get confused in your mind. If you wouldn't eat it normally, now isn't the time either. If you need to look off the homemade cookies someone brought to work in order to feel good in your body and not die the next time you take an exercise class, DO IT. If you'd like to stick to the veggie platter at your company work function and avoid the fondue and free bar, DO IT. You're in control at these parties, and if it's important to you to eat well, you've got to be the one to make it a priority (even and especially from now through December).

You're also in charge at home during the holidays - will it be eggnog tonight? Another plate of turkey and stuffing so it doesn't go bad in the fridge? If you wouldn't do it normally, don't do it now. Also, if you traditionally bake delicious things for people this month or the next, consider either making a healthier version or doing something else for them entirely. Help your friends make good decisions by not being one of the people that gives them peppermint fudge with a beaming smile, saying "I made these myself! Have one and tell me what you think..."

Okay, rant over. Don't believe the hype, people, and don't fall off the wagon now expecting to leap back on come's harder than you think! I do love the tastes of fall, though, so here's a great recipe for apple's delicious and won't break the calorie bank! :)

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